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back...Virtual walk through the site of the former camp on Przemyslowa Street

Children’s Martyrdom Monument, assembly yard, quarantine station or atelier are just some of the sites at the former German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemyslowa Street in Lodz. As of today, you can take a virtual walk through the most important sites related to the history of the camp, via the Museum's official website.

On the Museum's website, under the "Education" tab, there is a virtual walk through the site of the former camp on Przemyslowa Street.

Due to an interactive presentation created from spherical images, showing the entire view around the camera, online walkers are able to move around the image, rotate or zoom-in in 360 degrees. In the virtual walk, individual historical sites are connected by points that allow you to move to subsequent scenes.

-Since the beginning of our work, our aim is to present the story of the tragic fate of little prisoners of the camp on Przemyslowa Street. Now, through the virtual walk, we are also reaching out to the younger generation, which is more willing to absorb difficult historical topics through new technological solutions. The virtual walk, with its ability to rotate, zoom in and out, gives the impression of reality. A person who chooses to see it will be able to feel as if they were actually at the site of the former camp on Przemyslowa Street – said Ireneusz Piotr Maj, PhD, director of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism.

The walk was enriched with photographs and a video with commentary by Museum historians.  Places to see cover the camp gate, the camp commandant, the quarantine station, the peeling plant and the assembly yard. A present-day aerial photo of the site taken from a drone was modified with the use of aerial photo of the former camp site, which dates back to 1949.


Below is a link to the virtual walk.
