Początek treści

Information clause



In the fulfilment of our duty to provide information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 27th of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the so-called 'GDPR', we would like to inform you about the principles on which the processing of personal data takes place and your rights in this regard.


Personal data controller

The controller of your personal data is the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism. Nazi German Concentration Camp for Polish Children in Łódź (1942-1945) seated in Łódź (90-103) at the address ul. Piotrkowska 90, e-mail: sekretariat@muzeumdziecipolskich.pl , telephone number: +48 42 654 45 31.


Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer appointed by the Controller is Arkadiusz Zarębski, who can be contacted by e-mail: abi_daz@outlook.com


Purposes of and grounds for processing

Your personal data will or may be processed only and exclusively in accordance with the principles set out in Article 6, taking into account Article 9 of the GDPR and to the extent necessary for the specified purpose, on the basis of applicable legal provisions – in order to fulfil our legal obligations and tasks carried out in the public interest, to perform contracts, to protect and assert claims, to protect your vital interests or on the basis of your consent to processing.


Personal data sources

The personal data that we process is mostly obtained directly from you. However, certain indispensable categories of your data may also be provided to us by entities authorised to do so or may originate from publicly available sources.


Personal data recipients

A recipient of personal data can or may include entities authorised under provisions of the law or separate contracts, including in particular:

  • employees of our Museum, under authorisations to processes data in order to fulfil their official responsibilities,
  • authorised external entities that provide a service to our Museum, if the provision of such services requires processing of entrusted data,
  • external entities (processors) authorised to process data on behalf of our Museum, in order to carry out services commissioned to them or as within the framework of cooperation - necessary for our activities,
  • authorised public bodies, individuals or other entities that may receive data in order to fulfil their legal obligations and to which our Museum is obliged to disclose personal data under generally applicable laws,
  • in strictly defined conditions in the case of data made publicly available (e.g., the Museum’s website), the recipients of data may include everyone.


Transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation

In general, no transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation (entities located outside of the European Union) is envisaged.

In a situation where in order to fulfil our statutory and regulatory purposes (e.g., in the context of cooperation with international organisations, institutions and other entities carrying out museum or cultural activities in particular), personal data may be transferred to such third countries and international organisations that ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data in accordance with the conditions set out in Chapter 5 of the GDPR.


Personal data storage period - criteria for determination

Your personal data will be processed for a period required in order to fulfil the purposes of processing.

Despite the execution of the purpose of processing having ended, data may still be stored if there is a legal obligation to archive them, but for no longer than the period required by law.

Where data is processed on the basis of consent given, storage will end not later than the time of written withdrawal of the consent, without affecting the lawfulness of processing on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.


Automated decision-making and profiling

Personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making processes by the Controller, including profiling (automatic processing of data for analyses, evaluations or predictions to determine the characteristics, interests, behaviour, properties or situation of a person, for example), i.e., no decisions concerning persons will be based on information obtained and generated by automated means. 


Rights of the data subject

You are entitled to the following within the scope of the personal data provided:

  • the right of access in order to process the data,
  • the right to rectify the data,
  • the right to limit the processing of data, the right to transfer the data, and the right to delete the data, with reservation of a situation when the processing of data required in order to fulfil an obligation under a provision of the law or within the framework of task performed in public interest,
  • has the right to object against the processing of the data,
  • the right to transfer the data,
  • has the right to lodge a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Data provision requirements and presumptive consequences of not providing it

Providing personal data is voluntary. However, it is necessary if the prerequisite for its processing is provided by law or when the processing is necessary to conclude a contract with you.

If the data is not provided, this may result in the impossibility of implementing a specific objective (e.g., performance of a contract concluded with you or fulfilment of legal obligations).