Purchase and adaptation of the property to become the seat of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism, stage 1
Implementation of the exhibition "Two Wars – One Suffering" (brochures)
Implementation of the exhibition "Two Wars – One Suffering"
Purchase and adaptation of the property to become the seat of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism, stage 2
Commemoration of Polish children, victims of German camps - erection of a memorial
Purchase of commercial premises at ul. Przemysłowa 27A/6 in Łódź for the purpose of housing the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism
The making of a documentary film entitled “Spadkobiercy Prometeusza. Losy rodziny senatora Stanisława Siedleckiego” (“ Heirs of Prometheus. The Fate of Senator Stanislaw Siedlecki's Family")
The making of a documentary film entitled "Litzmannstadt – gehenna polskich dzieci” (“Litzmannstadt – Gehenna of Polish Children”)