Początek treści

Declaration of accessibility

Museum of Polish Children – victims of totalitarianism. The German Nazi Camp for Polish Children in Łódź (1942-1945) undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Law of April 4, 2019, on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

The accessibility declaration applies to the following website museumdziecipolskich.pl.
Website publication date:  October 14, 2021. Last major update made on:  March 30, 2022.

Status of digital accessibility
The website is partially compliantwith the law of April 4, 2019, on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

Inaccessible elements and content

  • Some of the films do not have subtitles for the hearing-impaired and deaf persons.All new films added to our site already feature such subtitles. We plan to add the missing subtitles by the end of 2022.
  • The contact form does not have text labels associated with the fields and can be problematic for those using a screen reader. You can contact us by writing to our email address or calling us. Contact details are posted in the Contact tab.
  • Some downloads are not digitally accessible. Works are pending to convert these files to a digitally accessible version.

Accessibility declaration development
Declaration developed on: October 14, 2022.
The declaration was developed on the basis of a self-assessment performed by a public entity.
Declaration last reviewed on: March 30, 2022.

Keyboard shortcuts
You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on this website.

Feedback and contact information
Any problems on the website due to failure to meet digital accessibility requirements? Report them to Agnieszka Pleskowicz via email at apleskowicz@muzeumdziecipolskich.plor by phone at +48 42 645 45 31.

Together with the request, please provide:

  • your full name,
  • your contact information (e.g. phone number, email address),
  • exact address of the website where the item or content is inaccessible, 
  • description of the problem and what way of solving it would be most convenient for you.

Handling requests and complaints related to accessibility 
We will respond to your request as soon as possible, no later than within 7 days of receipt.
We will notify you if this deadline is too short for us. In the message, we will provide a new deadline by which we will correct the errors you have reported or prepare the information in an alternative way. The new deadline will be no longer than 2 months.
If we are unable to ensure the digital accessibility of the website or content you reported, we will suggest access to the same in an alternative way.
If you are not satisfied with our actions and continue to have comments on our digital accessibility activities, you can report them to the Ombudsman.

Building accessibility
Museum of Polish Children – victims of totalitarianism. The German Nazi camp for Polish children in Łódź (1942-1945) ul. Piotrkowska 90, 90-103 Łódź

  1. The Museum is located in rooms on the first and fourth floors of the historic tenement house (exhibition hall – 1st floor, office – 4th floor). The Museum is accessed from Piotrkowska Street.
  2. Opposite the main entrance from the street to the building there is an elevator, which can be accessed directly, after contacting a Museum employee by phone (+48 42 645 45 31).
  3. In the exhibition hall, there is a level difference of 14 cm at the entrance door. The levels are connected by a platform with a slight slope. There are no horizontal barriers in the office premises.
  4. No restrooms for people with disabilities.
  5. The Museum has parking spaces about 150 meters from the entrance with no designated parking spaces for disabled people driving vehicles.
  6. The Museum provides admission to the building to a person with an assistance dog.
  7. No sign language interpreter available on site or online.

Mobile applications
No mobile apps.