National Reconstruction Plan for Culture

In 2024, the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism received project funding under the National Reconstruction Plan for Culture. The first projects supported were: the 2nd scientific conference called "Childhood in wartime. Polish Children under German Occupation 1939-1945” organized by the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism, as well as the Fourth Reunion of Survivors of the camp on Przemysłowa Street. The aforementioned events consisted of a series of activities that were financed with funds from the National Reconstruction Plan for Culture.
Thanks to the support, among other things, the following events were organized:
- a scientific conference, during which speeches were presented by 11 researchers from Poland and abroad,
- a concert by students from the S. Moniuszko Music School Complex in Łódź, which took place at the Artur Rubinstein Philharmonic Hall in Łódź.
- a theatrical performance concerning the camp on Przemysłowa Street, staged by young people from the school in Zaczerń.
Some of the organized events were honoured with the presence of former prisoners of the camp on Przemysłowa Street and other representatives of the children of war community.
In order to reach a wider audience of cultural and scientific content, the conference was held in both stationary and online formats. In addition, a video recording of the events is available on the Museum's website and YouTube profile:
The theatrical performance entitled “The Children from Przemysłowa Street," 27 Sep 2024:
The scientific conference entitled "Childhood in wartime. Polish Children under German Occupation 1939-1945”, 28-29 Sep 2024: