back...The wife's application for pardon and release of Camillo Ehrlich from prison

Historians of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism have obtained further documents concerning the commandant of the camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź, Camillo Ehrlich. This time it is Elisabeth Ehrlich's letters to the highest authorities in the GDR asking for her husband's pardon and release from prison.
"My husband was a staunch opponent of the Nazi regime from the beginning and lived only for his work. He has always zealously, with his greatest efforts, tried to break the hardness of the system in his position, to soften, weaken and even circumvent orders from the top. He was constantly guided by an unconditional sense of justice and great human kindness. A sense of responsibility was his outstanding quality. He did everything for others, nothing for himself. He was a role model for everyone! He shared the concerns and needs of others and helped them where he could. (He saved many from the concentration camp (...))”, Elisabeth Ehrlich, wife of Camillo Ehrlich, former commandant of the German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź, wrote to President Wilhelm Pieck.
Below we publish the entire application to President Wilhelm Pieck.