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back...Presentation of the postage stamp "German Camp for Polish Children in Łódź (1942-1945)"

“The issue of a stamp dedicated to the German concentration camp for Polish children in Łódź is further evidence of our remembrance of the victims of this place. The tragedy of the minor prisoners, for which the German occupiers were responsible, requires that we talk about it," stressed Dr. Ireneusz Piotr Maj, Director of the Museum, in connection with the presentation of the postage stamp "German camp for Polish children in Łódź (1942-1945)". The event took place on the eve of the 78th anniversary of the end of the camp on Przemysłowa Street.

January 18 marks the 78th anniversary of the opening of the gates of the German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź. In connection with this event, a presentation of the postage stamp entitled "German Camp for Polish Children in Łódź (1942-1945)" took place today at the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism. The stamp was put into circulation on 8 December 2022, and its issue was part of the Museum's commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the camp on Przemysłowa Street.

“The issue of a stamp dedicated to the German concentration camp for Polish children in Łódź is further evidence of our remembrance of the victims of this place. The tragedy of the minor prisoners, for which the German occupiers were responsible, requires that we talk about it. Paying tribute to the youngest and most defenceless victims of World War II is our duty," said the director of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism.

The 3.90 PLN stamp depicts two children behind barbed wire. This image symbolises the suffering of the young prisoners of the German concentration camp on Przemysłowa Street. The author of the design is Jan Konarzewski.

"The stamps were printed using offset technology, on fluorescent paper, in a format of 31.25 x 43 mm, in a volume of 144,000 pcs. The sales sheet contains 12 stamps," reads the Polish Post website.

The event was organised by: The Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism.

The presentation of the stamp was attended by: Prof. Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage; Mikołaj Pawlak, Children’s Ombudsman; Dr. Dariusz Rogut, Director of the Łódź Branch of the Institute of National Remembrance; Wiesław Włodek, Vice President of the Management Board of the Polish Post; Mariusz Dawid, Deputy Director of the International Co-operation and Philately Office of the Polish Post, and Jerzy Jeżewicz, representative of the Survivors.