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back...Presentation of the exhibition and book entitled "An Extraordinary Polish Family. The story of Gertruda Nowak – a child from the camp on Przemysłowa Street"

"As part of the procedure for admission to the camp, the children had their heads shaved. They were stripped of their civilian clothes. In return, they received gray denim uniforms – a sweatshirt, pants and cap for the boys and a dress and sweatshirt for the girls. Instead of shoes, the children were given wooden clogs," reads the Museum's publication "An Extraordinary Polish Family. The story of Gertruda Nowak – a child from the camp on Przemysłowa Street", which was presented together with an exhibition of the same name on March 9 inGminny Centrum Kultury, Sportu, Turystyki i Rekreacji [eng.the Municipal Center of Culture, Sport, Tourism and Recreation in Dzierżązna].

On March 9, 2023, the Municipal Center for Culture, Sports, Tourism and Recreation in Dzierżązna presented an exhibition and book entitled "An Extraordinary Polish Family. The story of Gertruda Nowak – a child from the camp on Przemysłowa Street".

“The exhibition and book are based on unique archival materials contained in the only completely preserved personal file documenting the imprisonment and dramatic camp experiences of Gertruda Nowak, a prisoner of the German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street. Thanks to Ms. Alicja Hetmańska, daughter of Gertruda Nowak, who donated her mother's personal file folder to the Museum, we learned about the tragic story of a girl brutally separated from her parents and sisters and imprisoned in a camp for Polish children in Łódź ,” says the Director of Muzeum Dzieci Polskich – ofiar totalitaryzmu [eng Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism].

The opening of the exhibition took place on December 1, 2022 at the Polish Parliament in connection with the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the opening of the German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź. 

After the official opening of the exhibition, the Museum's educators gave a lecture to the students of the Jan Kasiński Primary School in Biała.

The exhibition was financed by Polska Grupa Energetyczna.