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back...National Day of Remembrance of Żołnierze Wyklęci [the Cursed Soldiers]

Janusz Niemiec-Żubryd was born in 1941. He was the son of Antoni Żubryd, a commander of the Independent Operational Battalion of the National Armed Forces (NSZ), alias “Zuch”. In June 1945, at the age of four, he and his grandmother were arrested for the first time by the Security Office. He was released a few days later, however, after his father issued an ultimatum to the communist authorities, threatening to execute seven captured Civic Militia officers if his son and mother-in-law continued to be detained. In 1946, after the Security Office agent Jerzy Vaulin carried out the assassination of the Żubryds, their son Janusz was arrested again by the Security Office, making him the youngest political prisoner of the Stalin era in Poland.

On March 2, in connection with the commemoration of the Cursed Soldiers, the Museum will host a meeting of high school students from Łódź with Mr. Janusz Niemiec-Żubryd, the representative of the Association of Children of the Cursed Soldiers.


- the wedding photograph of Antoni and Janina Zubrid,

- Janina Żubryd with her son Janusz,

- Janusz Niemiec-Zubrid as a child.