back...“Childhood then and now” – winter holidays in 2024

We warmly welcome everyone to avail of the opportunity we have provided for this year’s winter holidays. The theme of the activities is “Childhood then and now”.
The invitation is addressed to day camp groups from grades 4–6 of elementary school and families with children over 12. The participants in the event will take part in classes during which they will be able to “go back in time” and explore the history of the German concentration camp for Polish children at Przemysłowa Street in Łódź as well as the fate of its prisoners.
For day camp groups, we have prepared an artistic and historical workshop titled “Eyes – the mirror of the soul” and “Childhood now and then”.
- Our participants will be able to use props referring to the history of the Łódź camp at Przemysłowa Street (a replica of camp clothing, a mug, a bowl, an anvil, needles for knitting machines and a blanket). The dialogue and historical lecture will be followed by a period of creative activity during which the participants will fill out dedicated work sheets – The Childhood of My Family. The participants will take the sheets with questions and topics home. The classes will be conducted using multimedia – say the educators from the Museum.
Family activities will be focused on historic workshops with an artefact, designed to engage and give an opportunity to reflect, a tour of the “Mum, why won’t you come?” exhibition and a creative literary and historical workshop: “Letters to Freedom”.

Reservations: Michał Hankiewicz, head of the Educational Department
mobile: +48 797 595 091