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back...Agreement on cooperation between the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism and the Łódź Board of Education

On 19 January 2023, the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism entered into a cooperation agreement with the Łódź Board of Education. The institutions will undertake joint activities to promote knowledge about the tragic fate of children imprisoned in the German concentration camp on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź. The main idea behind the agreement is the organisation of historical competitions and the promotion of the Museum's first multimedia exhibition „Mamo czemu nie przyjeżdżać?Listy dzieci z obozu na Przemysłowej” [“Mother, why aren't you coming?

Letters of children from the camp on Przemysłowa Street”] .

Dr Ireneusz Piotr Maj, Director of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism, and Waldemar Flajszer, Łódź Education Superintendent, signed an agreement on cooperation which aims to disseminate knowledge about the German concentration camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź. 

To this end, the Museum of Polish Children – victims of totalitarianism, together with the Board of Education in Łódź, will organise competitions on Polish history and the camp, where the youngest victims of World War II were imprisoned.

The institutions will also cooperate in organising historical, social and scientific events. The agreement is also intended to deepen intergenerational ties and develop patriotism among the young generation.