Jan Matusiak
Father's name: Jan
Mother's name: -
Date of arrest: Maj 1943
Cause/place of arrest: Płock/działalność ojca w PPS
Camp number: -
Age at insertion: -
Embed date: Maj 1944
Release date / Release date: 18.0.1945
Transfer date: -
Date of death: -
Places of imprisonment before being detained in the camp: -
Signatures: AIPN, GK 165/379, t. 9, k. 109-123; J. Witkowski, Hitlerowski obóz koncentracyjny dla małoletnich w Łodzi, Wrocław 1975, s. 306.
Presence in sub-camps: -
Mother's name: -
Date of arrest: Maj 1943
Cause/place of arrest: Płock/działalność ojca w PPS
Camp number: -
Age at insertion: -
Embed date: Maj 1944
Release date / Release date: 18.0.1945
Transfer date: -
Date of death: -
Places of imprisonment before being detained in the camp: -
Signatures: AIPN, GK 165/379, t. 9, k. 109-123; J. Witkowski, Hitlerowski obóz koncentracyjny dla małoletnich w Łodzi, Wrocław 1975, s. 306.
Alternatywna data osadzenia: Wrzesień 1943
Presence in sub-camps: -
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