Początek treści


"Celebration of the 78th anniversary of the burning of Radogoszcz prisoners"

Agreement on cooperation between the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism and the Łódź Board of Education

"78th anniversary of the end of the camp on Przemysłowa Street"

Postage stamp presentation: "German Camp for Polish Children in Łódź (1942-1945)"

Opening of the multimedia exhibition "Mom, why haven’t you come yet?] – letters of children from the camp on Przemysłowa Street"

Acquisition of real estate for a permanent location and for the branch of the Museum in Dzierżązna, Zgierz municipality 

Premiere of the documentary film “To się nie kończy… Historia dzieci z obozu na Przemysłowej” ["It doesn't end there.... The story of children from the camp on Przemysłowa Street"]

The coin “Niemiecki obóz dla polskich dzieci w Łodzi (1942-1945)” ["German camp for Polish children in Łódź (1942-1945)"] as a gift to the Survivors 

Opening of the exhibition in the Polish Parliament entitled “Niezwykła polska rodzina. Losy Gertrudy Nowak – dziecka z obozu na Przemysłowej” ["An Extraordinary Polish Family. The fate of Gertruda Nowak – a child from the camp on Przemyslowa Street"]

Commemoration at the “Pęknięte Serce“ [“Broken Heart”] monument